Can I gift a subscription?

Yes! We're thrilled you want to share Life Steps PRO. And we've made it easy to do so.

Keep in mind that gift subscriptions DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY RENEW.


1. Go to the Subscription page in the User Dashboard here: Subscriptions.

2. Click the "New Gift Subscription" button.

3. Use the search to find the person you'd like to gift a subscription by entering their YL Member ID. You must use the member ID to locate the individual. Because Life Steps requires a YL membership to use the app, we do not allow search for individuals by name, email, phone, or other info.


4. Confirm you have found the correct person.

5. Enter your payment details. Then click "Submit Payment".

That's it! Your recipient will receive an email with info about Life Steps, in case they are a new Life Steps user, and instructions on how to get started with their subscription.

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